6 Unexpected Ways Writing can Transform Your Health

Nita Adrian
4 min readApr 20, 2021


We have instant messaging everywhere now. But, when was the last time you REALLY wrote something down? Yes, that moment when you let the words pour down from ink to a sheet of paper — collective moments of pondering, breathing really well in between pauses, writing down wholeheartedly. In the past, people wrote more letters and journal entries. Now, though we have access to various means to write, do we really take full advantage of the therapy writing can give us?

It is not yet too late. Today, you can start writing more again. Here are 6 unexpected ways writing can transform your health (for you to get motivated to grab that pen and paper):

1) Helps you learn and remember better

Writing down by hand is a great process to take in information, and while the words spill, your mind also sort of remembers each detail. According to research, it is best to step away from the computer and go back to the old way of writing on paper.

As you pen words, signals are also being sent to your brain to build motor memory. This is a great tip for those who need the power of the memory and comprehension in their daily tasks.

This is also a great reminder for parents to encourage their children to find time to write. Whether it is writing down notes while in their classes or penning down thoughts on a diary or journal, it is definitely very helpful for the young ones. When it becomes a habit, endless advantages can be reaped.

2) Heals you through emotional catharsis, heals you physically

Do you remember such a time when you finally wrote those negative feelings down? Can you still freshly recall how it gave you a sense of relief? Can you remember how tough it might have moved you into tears? Has it aided you to feel better?

Writing heals through emotional catharsis. When you express what you are feeling, you are also freeing suppressed thoughts, guilt, and ill feelings. As you write down these murky emotions, you breathe better, the sun feels closer. Also, writing helps you heal physically too.

A research in New Zealand involved respondents with wounds who were asked to write in their journal their deepest thoughts or anything they have been keeping or harboring for a while. After two weeks, the researchers assessed the results and found out that those who wrote in their journals more expressively were healed faster.

3) Eases the pain of cancer patients

Cancer is not just a painful disease for the body but also for the spirit. So, a 2008 study in the journal the Oncologist, cancer patient’s journaling did not only changed how they viewed Cancer, but it has also helped them cope with the pain of the disease. It has helped them cope with the strain of cancer consistently. The research included the discovery that even just a 20-minute session for journaling does a tremendous health benefit for the patients.

4) Boosts your gratitude habit

When was the last time you really counted your blessings? Writing down the things, people, and events you are grateful for does wonder. When you feel that you haven’t really been feeling grateful and you haven’t looked into the brighter side of life, start writing them down. So if you feel down and unhappy about life, the best way (and a very simple one) is to list down what you are grateful for.

This is a great habit — it opens up your heart to the blessings, big and small. You also become more optimistic about life and your endeavors. As you become more grateful and appreciative, you realize that life is more beautiful than you used to think.

5) Eases your tension and sleep disorder

And because you are slowly developing a much open heart for gratitude, you also flush out the negative vibrations inside you. It then helps you relax and get sleep.

According to Applied Psychology, in a study, respondents wrote their gratitude list before bedtime, and after a week or two, they were able to sleep better and longer. For sure, they also woke up to a more enthusiastic and zestful spirit. This is a great way for those suffering from anxiety and insomnia to cope with their sleeping problems.

6) It Makes you healthier, body and mind

The benefits of expressive writing are endless, and they are long-term. Those who do it have experienced tremendous improvement in their health — physically, mentally, and emotionally.

It has made them more grateful, more positive, more active, more pro-active, and more faithful. Through expressive writing, they are able to improve their relationships and gain the best results from them.

These are just 6 of the possibly many unexpected benefits of writing down the old way. Perhaps, you need more time to leave your computer behind and sit somewhere quiet to ponder upon your thoughts and write the words to fully express who you are. Be healed!



Nita Adrian

Enthusiastic writer, cooks great food, ex-professional procrastinator, expert embarrassing dancer, nachos connoisseur.